Pastoral Search

Welcome.  Thank you for interceding for Lampstand as we navigate a season of transition.  We are so thankful for you and ask God to bless you.  If you are seeking a call as Pastor of Lampstand.  We pray for you to see the "heart" of this church and hear the call of God as he leads you.  


Prayer Focus for the coming weeks:  Pray for strength, guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit for our PNC, our Elders, our congregation and for all pastoral candidates.

"I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.  Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is."  Ephesians 3: 16-18


Items Accomplished:

         May:        Lampstand's Mission Study was approved.

                         Leaders select the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) members.

        June:       Congregation approved the selection of the PNC.

                         PNC begins meeting.

        July:         PNC has prepared interview questions.

                          Job posting is officially "live".

                          Updated church website with Pastoral Search Information navigational tab.


                          PNC is in the on-going process of receiving Pastor Information Forms (PIF).

                          PNC is conducting evaluations, listening to sermons and conducting interviews.  


*See Lampstand Mission Study/Job DescriptionHere*


Once we have prayerfully selected 2-3 top candidates:

  1. PNC will coordinate with Ministry Partnership Team (MPT) of ECO to arrange background checks and interviews.
  2. MPT conducts reference checks and background checks and approves candidates for final selection process.
  3. PNC selects final candidate.
  4. MPT conducts in depth interview on theology/polity of final candidate and reports its findings to Presbytery.
  5. Congregational meeting to affirm candidate and terms of call.
  6. MPT and/or Presbytery examines candidate and approves call of the congregation.
  7. Lampstand celebrates God's goodness as they welcome their new Pastor!